

The primary purpose of this project is to give you a solid experience in structuring presentations and presenting material to an audience in a useful and engaging manner. Many in the audience are non-experts. You will develop the ability to identify a problem, as well as present a strategic response, and provide a relevant solution.

Scenario: Your task is to create a presentation, based on an assigned case study. You will have the opportunity to explore and identify a core problem, determine who your audience will be, and recommend a solution to them. You will also illustrate your message and key points using slides.



If you succeed at your task, the audience will recognize the problem and move through it. They will think and do something different. They should be able to convey the issue that was once murky, frustrating, or daunting to others with whom they associate.



Visuals should be incorporated into this presentation. Your choices should be simple, strategic, and in line with the slide design principles discussed in class.



6-8 minutes. Present the information in the most effective format for the problem and solution, based on the applicable strategy. The two minute window is not to cushion you. It is to give you flexibility and the opportunity to make conscious choices about the length of your message. Practice your timing – it never happens by chance!


You should support your reasoning and assertions with research and explanation. You should cite your sources in at least two places: the bibliography and verbally. You are an advanced class, so I do not mandate a number of sources. I assume that the quality and quantity of your sources will be strong and fitting.



Problem-Solution Rubric. (Includes a visit to the Presentation Practice Center!)