
General Purpose:  The purpose of an informative speech is to inform an audience of something.

Sources:  You will use at least three substantial sources in this speech. Since your time is limited to 6-8 minutes, your careful selection of supporting data is critical. You must support your speech and assertions with research and explanation.  You must cite all of your sources in three places: the bibliography, within the text of your outline using APA/MLA style, and verbally within your speech.  Failure to verbally cite your sources will result in substantial point reduction.  Failure to cite sources in your outline and bibliography will result in an automatic ‘D’. 

FAS18 3.36.10 PM

Length: 6-8 minutes.  Thirty second leeway.   You will lose 10% from your oral presentation grade for anything over or under the leeway times, along with any deductions for inadequacies caused by an overly long or short speech. Practice your timing!  Get a feel for exactly which part of your speech you should be in at a given time.

Delivery:  This speech will be delivered extemporaneously from a keyword outline or keyword note cards. You may use four note cards with writing on one side, or you may use a single sheet of paper.  Under no circumstances may you use your full-sentence outline.  Doing so will result in an automatic ‘D’.

Visual Aides: It is required that you have visual aides.  This does not have to be in the form of a PowerPoint. You can bring in objects, posters, etc.

Q&A: Our class will ask any questions that they have about your speech.  Anticipate questions and be prepared to give answers in a confident fashion.


  1.  You will submit a full sentence outline to the assignment submission page on Canvas by MIDNIGHT the day you give your speech.  You will also submit a bibliography of at least three sources that will be written at the bottom of your outline.
    1. The outline will contain an introduction, attention-getter, orienting material, and central idea.
    2. The body will be outlined, with transitions.
    3. The conclusion must contain a summary, a call to action if appropriate, and a clincher.
  2. You will hand in any note cards you will use (if you use any).

Per15 3.36.01 PMPresentation Practice Center: You will be required to attend the PPC.

Self Evaluation:  You will be required to evaluate yourself.  Watch your videotape and then fill out the provided form.  To get full credit for this assignment, you will need to have several concrete and specific comments for most areas of the form.  This is due the class period after your speech.  This part of the assignment will help boost up your grade.